Speech of CEO

In the middle of the global scale changes we are experiencing nowadays, maintaining economic stability is our ordinary duty as citizens. Indonesia with a total population of around 278,696,200 people (as of 2023), of which 43-45% are people of productive age (age range 20-45 y.o, male and female). Along with the development of the times, of course, we need to innovate and adjust ourselves to be capable to complete and survive.
With a noble goal, PT KORINDO TECH INDONESIA is present as a company that distributes certified and qualified Indonesian expert labor and competitiveness. We strive to help the community and the government to decrease the unemployment rate, especially in Indonesia. Indonesia`s potential is to be able to increase foreign exchange by sending skilled workers abroad still has a great opportunity this early. Not only in terms of numbers, the level of ability and expertise is not in doubt. Indonesia, which is also a country with a variety of ethnicities, cultures, and religions, has a plus in terms of tolerance between people. Not only in their own country but wherever they are, that base value remains firmly attached to each individual.
To make it happen, of course, many parties are involved. Not only domestically, including partners from other countries who have also trusted us to cooperate. We would like to thank all related parties for their trust in us. Hopefully PT KORINDO TECH INDONESIA can always do the best.